We have a podcast!

Paul and I have been cooking on this one for a little while, and it's now officially live. We're pleased to present our new podcast: How Authors Work.

We've got the first two episodes online now, four more already recorded, and a half-dozen more interviews scheduled.

The theme is right there in the name. We talk with Authors about the nitty gritty details of their workflow–everything from their favorite software tricks to what time of day they write and how they pick an editor–so you can learn their secrets and become a more productive writer.

Our first two guests, Bill Powell and Markus McDowell, were a lot of fun and had some great insight to share.

We'd very much love for you to check out the podcast, and if you're willing to go on iTunes and leave a rating and review. Apparently iTunes ratings are the most important thing to help a podcast get discovered, so taking two minutes to do that is a huge help for us.

Thanks so much, and hope you enjoy!

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